Online Publications
YES, POETRY: "girl with diagnosis or gun #7"
THE COLLAGIST: "girl with diagnosis or gun #4"
GINGERBREAD HOUSE: "girl with diagnosis or gun #6" (nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
STORYSCAPE: "Frostbite," "Grandmother was cyclopean," "Monster Psalm #13," "Monster Psalm #18"
BLOOD PUDDING PRESS: erasure poems
MENACING HEDGE: "Monster Psalm #11" (nominated for Best of the Net), "Monster Psalm #12," "Monster Psalm #14," "Monster Palm #15," "Monster Psalm #16" (nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
CRAB FAT MAGAZINE: "Neither do I speak when I should," "Darling, if I had to guess," and "Girl; animal; ghost"
LITERARY ORPHANS: "Monster Psalm #8"
RED PAINT HILL: "inside the medusa museum #1"
HOT METAL BRIDGE: "Witch at the homestead" (nominated for Best of the Net) and "At the birth of the first great light"
BAD PENNY REIVEW: "I can't promise I'll be mother" and "I say they"
BURNT PINE MAGAZINE: "Too swift" (nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
CONCIS: "we know how it is with windows" (winner of an editor's choice award)
RUST&MOTH: "My tongue hatched; all at once"
ABOUT PLACE JOURNAL: "Leviathan speaks of creation," "Leviathan speaks of history," and "Leviathan speaks of worship"
Print Publications
BLUE EARTH REVIEW: "She asks all day do I love her"
ZONE 3: "Smile girl"
BONE BOUQUET: "You fall asleep in women's houses"
RUMINATE: "Monster Psalm"
WHITE STAG (NEOGODDESSESS): "Where you journey, they await," "They tried and tried," "At first I was river, I was witch"
FOUR CHAMBERS PRESS: "Sister Myth," "Your women should be grave," "My own strange beast"
PAPER NAUTILUS: "dear queen of hell"
STORM CELLAR: "Please say something different"